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Fragrance Description
A familiar scent to any romantic, the aromas of this famous long-stemmed bouquet will flood your home with fragrance - powerfully floral and compelling, a popular gift that keeps giving. 


The burn time on a single wick candle is 8-10 hours per candle ounce. In other words, a 10 ounce candle will burn for a minimum of 80 hours. For a three wick dough bowl, it’s 30 hours due to multiple wicks burning a set amount of wax. Five wick dough bowl candles burn for 40-50 hours. All of this, of course, is so long as the wicks are maintained to less than 1/4” at all times. The shorter the flame, the longer the burn time. 


8 oz box candle

Lux Rose Boxed Candle

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